When the “Worm Moon” is a Supermoon – SOLSC Day #9

As my daughter and I exited the house from the side door last night, we were greeted with one of the biggest and brightest moons that we have seen in a long time.  It must be noted that my daughter and I walk on almost a nightly basis, but we miss many nights in the winter because of the cold and snow (honestly, it is too dangerous to be walking around dimly lit roads in the middle of winter).  But, as spring starts to poke its beautiful head out in Syracuse, the last few nights have been snow free and mild in comparison to the bitter cold of January and February.  Because of this, the walks have started back up.

Now, for the first block of our walk, we talked about the size and beauty of the moon, which seemed to be glowing even brighter than usual (all of these observations point to a supermoon, which is this March’s moon).  We also talked about how clearly you could see Venus, which was also shining in the night sky.  Our discussion then turned to the name of the moon.  I thought that the name of the moon was the “Worm Moon”, but I was not sure.  If we had our phones, we could have checked, but when we walk, we leave the phones in our pockets.  So, we began coming up with names, and here are a few:

  1. Spring Ahead the Clock Moon
  2. Shamrock Shake Moon
  3. Almost Spring Moon
  4. Light the Night Moon
  5. Sunday Blues Moon (like all kids, my daughter is dreading Monday back at school – even teachers dread this)
  6. Friday the 13th Moon
  7. March Madness Moon
  8. Goodnight, Moon Moon

As we approached the driveway after our near mile walk around the surrounding neighborhoods, we were ready for the week that was awaiting us.  Also, if NASA ever asked us to name a March moon, we were ready for them.

I won’t lie that being a middle school teacher I was a bit perplexed (and even a little nervous) after thinking about all of the names that we came up for to name the March full moon.  Springing ahead the clocks, a full moon, and a looming Friday the 13th does not bode well for superstitious middle school teachers (most are).  Supposedly, these things cause strange student (and teacherJ) behavior in middle schools.  Thank goodness for me that I’m not superstitious.  I’m just going to approach Monday with a positive attitude, a smile, and a stop at McDonald’s for a Shamrock Shake.

7 thoughts on “When the “Worm Moon” is a Supermoon – SOLSC Day #9

  1. Now I want a Shamrock Shake! It was too cloudy yesterday, but my daughter and I were able to enjoy the super moon this morning as we drove to her middle school. Those nightly walks sound like an incredible way to connect with your daughter.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Goodnight, Moon Moon is my favorite of the ones you came up with.
    Yes, for us middle school teachers, this week is daunting. Not only is there a full moon, Friday the 13th, and time change – but this week is our spirit week as well.
    I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I need to look at the moon tonight! I saw the Worm Moon yesterday afternoon and it was so huge and glowing and white – my boyfriend has to work when he gets home but I’m hoping we can go for a quick walk to reset before he has to work again.

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  4. The moon was beautiful this morning too. I felt like it was riding shotgun with me on the way to work. It was hard to keep my eyes in the road instead of on my companion who was peaking in and out of tree branches.


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