When Sunday didn't seem like a Sunday – SOLSC Day #23

We all get some form of the “Sunday Back-to-School” blues.  The kids get it worse than we do, but “Sunday Back-to-School” blues usually set in during the afternoon as we prepare for the hectic school week that lies ahead.  The kids finish their homework and studying that they put off until Sunday afternoon.  They get their clothes and lunches ready for Monday.  We update our websites for the week, grade some papers, pack our lunches, and finish up any late minute weekend projects.  The weekends are short (and move so quickly) that you never accomplish everything that you set out to get done when creating your “to-do” list on Thursday or Friday.

This Sunday, for the first time in my teaching career, was different.  I had the “Sunday Back-to-School” blues but for a completely different reason.  There was no final soccer practice to rush my girls to on Sunday night.  There was no battle (oops…I mean productive work session) to help the kids finish their homework before Monday morning.  There was no lunch to be made or clothes to be laid out for school (I’m not wearing a tie for distance learning/teaching).  There was no school/personal “things to do” list for the week (I love crossing things off).  So, why did I still have the blues?

I had the blues because I haven’t seen my students since Monday.  I had the blues because I won’t see them this week (and likely, for the next few).  I had the blues because my own children need more than “distance learning” school.  I had the blues because I don’t get to wear a tie today (although, I may wear one to my virtual board meeting tonight).  I had the blues because this isn’t teaching.

I miss the “Sunday Back-to-School” blues.  I can’t wait until they are back.  Strangely, my own children can’t wait until they are back (during high/low at dinner on Sunday night, all four kids stated their weekend “low” was missing their friends).  I wonder if I will have the “Sunday Back-to-School” blues when we return to school?  I have a feeling that when we start hustling and bustling again, the “Sunday Back-to-School” blues will be back.  I can’t wait!

4 thoughts on “When Sunday didn't seem like a Sunday – SOLSC Day #23

  1. I agree. I have a feeling though that the “back to school” blues will be missing for awhile when we do return. I know most of the kids have been keeping up with one another via texting, Snapchat, TikTok or whatever else kids are using these days but it’s not the same. It’s like keeping up with my grade level team. Yes, we’re texting but that human interaction isn’t there like it is when we talk in person.

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  2. Yesterday felt so different. It was almost easy to forget that it was a Sunday though knowing the Sunday talk shows were on in the morning helped to ground me. (Thankfully, I didn’t watch any of them. It’s about keeping my sanity!)

    I’d like to think we’ll be back to school soon, but I have a feeling we’re off until August!

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